Monday, March 25, 2013

Continuing on northward!

After our stay at Agua Verde, we stopped in for a night at Puerto Escondido, had a great dinner at Domingo's in Loreto, did some shopping while in town, then took off and spent one rolly night at La Lancha on Isla Carmen.  We passed on the idea of taking the walk to Vee Cove and instead sailed down to Isla Coronados where we are now.  The first night here we had a Burger BBQ here on Damiana; Warren Peace and MaToWi joined us and we told stories and laughed for hours!  Last night we had happy hour on the beautiful beach at the southwest end of the anchorage.  As we write this, we are having breakfast and readying the boat to sail up to San Juanico, one of our favorite anchorages.

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~