After our chicken kabob dinner on Warren Peace, John and Sharon left the following morning to head over to San Carlos and put their boat away for the rest of the year. We spent a few more days in Santa Rosalia, hung out with Bill and Vicki from MaToWi: provisioning, dinners together, playing games. All of us left at the same time, heading for Punta Chivato before heading down into Bahia Concepcion. Jupiter's Smile was here in Concepcion. All of us met on MaToWi to share potluck dinner and play Mexican Train. The next day all of us rode together on Damiana to a restaurant, Buena Ventura, further south in Bahia Concepcion for lunch. The following day Bill and Vicki came over to Damiana to learn how to play Baja Rummy -- they liked it! The four of us went to Anna's for dinner that night. The next morning while taking our morning walk along the beach with Bill and Vicki we saw a panga parked with fresh catch! We purchased a kilo of fresh scallops which we enjoyed over at MaToWi. More dinners, more walks, more games, and finally Bill and Vicki said it was time for them to head over to San Carlos to pick up friends flying into Hermosillo. They plan to return to the Baja side next month for more fun in the sun.
We returned to Santa Rosalia a week after we left for more provisions -- our California style of eating requires fresh fruit and veggies, most of which don't last on board for more than a week. Jupiter's Smile was in the slip next to us, so we had a chance to hang out with Jay and Barb for a few days. Another chance for calamari dip, Chuy's hotdog, and even a paleta after dinner. The next day I decided to make another batch of bagels instead of bread. Barb came over to watch and copied the recipe. Since Jay likes having a bagel every morning, I suspect Barb will soon be baking them regularly. That night we had dinner with them at El Muelle, one of our favorites. After 2 nights in Santa Rosalia, we left to return to Bahia Concepcion. We are currently anchored in Posada Concepcion. We took a long dinghy ride today to El Burro Cove and visited with Geary, our weather guru, for a few minutes. Just about every square foot of beach was populated with hundreds of local families camping, all having wonderful times, lots of kids, lots of music -- not too loud -- and lots of happy smiles. This is Semana Santa (Easter week) and families in Mexico typically take vacation -- a very nice tradition!
Sometime in the next day or two we'll head up to Ste. Domingo, hoping to meet up with Patty and Terry for a night or two before returning to Santa Rosalia for one more time before heading south toward Loreto -- with a few stops along the way.
This post will be sent as soon as we have internet connection.
~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~
track our route: