Knowing we had one more stop to make before reaching Loreto, we headed for Candeleros Chico, a beautiful one-boat anchorage; this anchorage is no more than 1/8 of a mile wide. As we were heading for the anchorage, another boat, a small trawler, had the same idea and reached it first. We saw them look around, probably looking for where to drop their anchor, but we wanted to get a waypoint on our chart for another time that we might have first dibs. As we entered the anchorage, the trawler motored out! How lucky can we be -- first a fish and then a night in Candeleros Chico! We spent the last two evenings watching a two part series lent to us from cruising friends: Death in Holy Orders by P.D. James, an amusing mystery. During last night's viewing, a great burst of wind turned our boat around 180 degrees, and for the next several hours we had wind about 10 kts, gusting to 16 at times -- just the right atomosphere for watching a mystery!
We awoke this morning to see the sunrise in a window to the sea and also gorgeous reflectons on the mountains on the other side of our boat.
~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~