Monday, April 22, 2013

Return of the North Winds

Shortly after our last posting we left Isla Coronados to stop at the Loreto roadstead and pick up some groceries before heading down to Juncalito along the coast, just north of Puerto Escondido.  Friends of ours, John and Patricia (sv Trick) have a palapa there and since they offered to drive us back to Loreto on Sunday to pick up fresh produce at the Farmer's Market, we spent a few nights at anchor in calm Juncalito.

Weather forecast was for a brief return of north winds in the Sea, so we scurried over to Marquer on Isla Carmen to get a head start on getting up to Punta Colorada before the winds picked up.  We arrived at Punta Colorada late one morning and stayed at anchor for three nights while the wind was pretty steady at 15-20, gusting to 30 at times.  Roger and Karen (sv Meridien) were there also, giving us a chance to get together for an evening.  With not too much to do except stay holed up on the boat, I (Marlene) tried out a new recipe for chocolate bread.  Pretty awesome.  We have another one to try before deciding on which one to incorporate into our repertoire.

By the weekend, winds had eased up, so we headed back toward Isla Coronados, stopping for one night's rest at Juncalito.  On Sunday, yesterday, we took Damiana back to the Loreto roadstead.  This time John and Patricia picked us up at the dinghy dock and drove us to the Farmer's Market, then to Pan que Pan restaurant for incredible omelets.  Along with them were two new cruising buddies: Lulu and Steve (sv Siempre Sabado).

We are once again back at Isla Coronados with plans to leave at the end of the week to return to La Paz, a week earlier than originally expected.  Roy has an appointment with an eye doctor who will then order a new pair of glasses for him to replace the ones he lost at Bahia Conception.

Last but not least, Roy captured a jumping dolphin on his video camera today!

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dolphin Season and More Small World

We've been heading south, stopping along the way for a few nights at a time at some of our favorite anchorages.  When we pulled into San Juanico there were so many boats there that it looked sort of like a parking lot!  Nonetheless we spent two nights there before continuing on to Isla Coronados, which seems to be our base this year in the Central Sea of Cortez.  While there we were visited several times by large pods of dolphins.  I (Marlene) tried capturing some short video with our small digital camera.  I was so disappointed in the wide angle (can't zoom when in video mode) that Roy finally decided to get into cameraman mode and charged his video camera batteries.  Today he captured some footage -- but then before we even reviewed it it was time to weigh anchor and get over to Loreto in the morning calm to pick up some groceries.

As we left the dinghy dock and were walking along the malecon a young couple approached us and asked us how long we have been in Mexico.  They had seen our boat at Isla Coronados yesterday while they were on a tour and saw us anchor at the Loreto roadstead.  Turns out they have a 32' Valiant in Seattle and are thinking about sailing it down to Mexico and wanted to know our opinion.  We encouraged them and told them about our experiences.  Musing over the fact that they have a 32 Valiant I asked if they know Betsy and Richard who owned Qayaq, also a 32 Valiant and also from Seattle, sailed it to Australia and sold it there -- and are now back in Seattle.  YES!  We spent some good quality time with Betsy and Richard before we went in different directions: us to Florida to get Damiana and they to the South Pacific.  This young couple advised us that Richard and Betsy have moved over to the "dark side."  For non boating friends and family, that means they've bought a motor vessel.

More later.....

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Adios Bahia Conception

Last night we hosted a pizza party.  Folks from Persistence and Indara joined us.  The way a pizza party works is for host boat to set out lots of pizza toppings and make the dough.  Friends bring over other toppings, salad, etc.  Roy manages the BBQ and I (Marlene) make the dough and roll them out, one at a time.  Roy "bakes" side one of the pizza and then one couple turns it over and puts toppings on the cooked side.  When they finish their masterpiece, it goes back on the BBQ to cook the toppings.  We had three pizzas prepared in this manner.  We learned about this method from Bruce and Alene on Migration during our Jellybean days.  In fact, the folks on Persistence were on the 04 HaHa with us, and as it turns out, DRUM ROLL: SMALL WORLD TIME: the recipe we use was given to us in hard copy by Bruce and Alene.  The note on it says it was given to them by Maureen and Riley on s/v Alouette de Mer several years ago when they were cruising Mexico.  Turns out that the folks on Indara were in Mexico several years ago and know them!

This morning, we weighed anchor around 11 a.m. and motored up the channel.  During the day, the Daring Dolphins had an encore performance.  This time I was ready and got a short video clip of them inside our hulls.  Limited bandwidth though -- will have to upload at a later date.

Tonight we are at Ste. Domingo again, planning to spend tomorrow here putting finishing touches on the dinghy chaps we've been working on.  We need to beach the dinghy long enough to measure the seam for the bungie cord that cinches it tightly around the outside.  Once that's done, cord sewn inside, we'll have only a few connections to do on the inside and, voila -- a new dinghy chaps -- the main reason we bought the semi-industrial sewing machine while we were in Panama two and a half years ago!

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~

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Spectacular Dolphin Show -- Again!

Yesterday as we were half way down the channel entering Bahia Conception a large pod of large dolphins joined us!  Three at a time swam between the hulls, accompanied by 2 or more along the outside of both hulls.  When they got far enough in front of us, they did a u-turn and went back to the end of the line.  In the meantime another group of 8 or 10 swam through the same way, followed by another group!  As the ones in the middle, swimming between the hulls, came out in front, they dashed across the front of the hulls, showing off their agility and brain power, never once touching the boat!  They followed us in all the way and stayed with us until we were safely anchored!  They looked up at us from time to time.  With Roy busy at the helm all I could do was applaud and wave.  I like to think they appreciated that!

Weather warmed up considerably since the wind has died and humidity is rising -- bringing more bugs our way.  We stayed inside during the mid day heat and played a game of Scrabble.

Since we are without internet or phone, we're dating this entry.

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~
April 5, 2013

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gymnast Dolphin

We left Punta Chivato a few minutes ago, heading toward Bahia Conception when we were suddenly surrounded by a pod of dolphins, jumping and diving all around us.  Then this one very talented dolphin while in the air, did a roll over so his belly was straight up, then rolled back down -- did this several times to our delight.  Ooops --- caught us off guard; camera not in use :(  but what a spectacular sight!

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Santa Rosalia

We arrived here yesterday late morning, checked into the marina, then went and picked up some produce at the stand close by.  Last evening we went out to dinner with friends on the boat, Bullwinkle.  We hadn't seen them since La Paz, and it was great to hear about their first season cruising.  This morning we did our laundry, then did a big shopping trip in town and got together again with Bullwinkle to have hot dogs at the famous hot dog stand, where everybody that visits Santa Rosalia dines at least once during their visit.  All were very satisfied, even more so after we devoured our paletas.  Back to Damiana for a little more conversation before we hugged "adios amigos."  We leave tomorrow, heading for Bahia Conception, hoping to spend several days there, enjoying the various anchorages and beaches.

~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~

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