After a nice evening out with friends, we returned home to Damiana early and for once, had showers and were in bed by 9:30 p.m. This was good news since we'd had several late nights and were looking forward to a good night's sleep.
Around 10:30 p.m. we woke to the noise of our water pump running non-stop. We'd heard this noise twice before (last year) -- it means big trouble -- the water supply pipe under the sink in the galley became disconnected. We turned on the light in our bunk and the floor was flooded -- ankle deep! What next? Everything in the lockers near the floor in our stateroom, everything in the lockers near the floor in the guest stateroom and the kitchen cabinet under the sink were under water! First: turn off the water pump circuit breaker. Second, bail out water in the floor of our stateroom by tossing it into the motor compartment and having the bilge do its job. Then, removing everything from the lockers (Roy handing them one at a time to Marlene who sorted them by degree of wetness), including a huge number of boat parts, shoes, and several bottles of wine. Once empty, Roy sopped up remaining water in the lockers while Marlene removed everything from under the sink.
Once the water was removed, Roy got out plumbing supplies and fixed the problem. Marlene started setting motor supplies, hardware, belts, o-rings, tools, filters, out to dry both on the salon table and on the seat in the cockpit and hung pads and other cloths out to dry on the lines.
By midnight we had our flood under control. Being creatures of habit we were awake by 6 (Marlene) and 7 (Roy) so went on our usual 2 mile walk before breakfast and spent the rest of the morning drying things still damp, putting away those we could, and as I write this Roy is using WD40 on saws and other metal tools.
Hopefully this time, the repair is the final one (we brought down a bunch of new plumbing supplies that were put into action last night).
Another "adventure" on Damiana!
~~~ Marlene and Roy ~~_/) ~~